Are you in need of some extra cash? Most of us are right about now...

This Quarantine time is the perfect opportunity for you to Launch an Online Challenge! What are you an expert in? Can you share your knowledge and help someone get from point A to B?


Right now with the worldwide pandemic of COVid-19, so many of us have been drastically impacted economically.

As a Graphic Designer, I already work for myself and operate my business from home, therefore the quarantine didn't hit me as hard financially. Several of my clients own and operate small businesses that have been directly impacted by this economic crisis.

I'm looking to help us all find ways that we can generate some extra cash flow because we all need it.

This is one of many of my efforts that I plan to launch in order to help us build and strive.

Creating a challenge will help to create a passive stream of income for your business.

Launching an online challenge for your tribe and charging them a small fee to participate can be dually beneficial.

A small fee in exchange for your knowledge is a WIN WIN.

Your tribe is paying to be a part of a group challenge that allows them to benefit from group support, accountability, and access to an expert.

Who is this Challenge for?

You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you that ANYONE can create a challenge. Watch this...I’m going to show you....

  • Hairstylist - Create a Hair Growth or Hair Routine Challenge
  • Meal Prep Chef - Create a “Do it Yourself” Meal Prep Challenge
  • Fitness Instructor - Create a “Lose that stomach in 15 Days" Challenge
  • Business Coach - Create a “Get Active on Social Media” Challenge
  • Accountant - Create a “Save Money in 10 Days” Challenge
  • Cleaning Company - Create a "Home Organization" Challenge

I'm here to help you...

  • Launching an online challenge for your business will become easier because I’m going to give you the step by step blueprint. All you have to do is follow simple instructions and you will be ready to launch your challenge in no time!
  • This will help to create a passive stream of income for your business because you can charge a small fee for your tribe to participate. A small fee for your knowledge is a WIN WIN. Your tribe is paying to be a part of a group challenge that allows them to benefit from group support, accountability, and access to an expert.

Benefits of joining my challenge:

  • You automatically position yourself as the expert that you are.
  • You can generate passive income while helping others.
  • You will gain more followers.
  • You will build relationships with new and current clients.

You're going to get results! 

  • Passive income streams can be used to help you get out of debt or achieve financial independence sooner.
  • As your tribe looks to you as the Expert, this will boost your confidence and productivity levels in business.
  • Gaining more followers means more eyeballs for your higher paid products and services.
  • Building relationships with new and current clients will help them to gain your trust.

Why should you join my challenge?

  • You will have access to download my Challenge Workbook that you can customize in Canva and present to your clients so that they can follow along.
  • I’m going to show you exactly how to set-up a Landing Page that will help your clients to sign up for your Challenge Easily.
  • I’m going to show you how to set-up your Private Facebook Group for those that are participating in your Challenge.
  • I’m going to give you the Blueprint that I follow when creating my online challenges.

Ready for the  "Create Your Own Challenge" Challenge?

Are you ready to start sharing your knowledge and helping others to get from Point A to B, all while getting paid? I'm excited to show you exactly how to do it!

Your info is safe with me—I'll never share your email.

Who's behind this challenge?

I’m Candice Kilgore, Graphic Designer and Brand Strategist. I can design in my sleep. Well...maybe not quite...but you get what I’m saying! I can take a small part of what I know and teach it to you with no problem! The latest challenge that I recently launched was my “Design Your Own Website in 5 Days Challenge” I knew that several of my clients wanted to know how they could build their own website and get up and running quickly. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to meet their needs with the knowledge that I carry. I build websites daily and I knew that I could surely teach others how to do the same. The website design challenge has been a great success thus far. I'm prepared to give you my blueprint that I use to successfully launch my online challenges.